Wednesday, January 9, 2008

OK, leaving soon. Just a quick idea of what I am actually doing, as I know I keep changing my plans. I am studying at Shandong University, China from the 24th Feb-2 July approximately. From today till then I will be travelling in Yunnan province of China with my recently-quit-job-wants-to-do-something-totally-outrageous Mum :). We're going to the mountainous area in the north west corner of the province near Tibet and Burma, and also down to Xishuangbanna which is near the border of Laos.
I have a one way ticket, and I have no idea what's happening to me after July, except that I'll probably be in Qinghai in late July for the Yushu Tibetan horse festival, and then maybe I'll go Tibet-Nepal-India overland, or maybe I'll go along the Silk road to Kashgar and somehow get out of there and end up in India, or Turkey or... yeah...
Home by christmas. Fingers crossed that blogspot is not blocked in China

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Danananananana *crab dances*